If you are in the Bay Area, come on down. The talk is ESC-218, on Tuesday April 23 from 2:00-3:00PM in Salon 3: http://www.ubmdesign.com/sanjose/schedule-builder/session-id/98
NOTE: Some browsers are having trouble with this version of the paper. It was cut and pasted from a Word document, which is always dicey. A PDF version of this paper is available on the ParaSail Google Group:
Programming in the Distributed, Multicore World with Go, Rust, and ParaSail
S. Tucker Taft
24 Muzzey Street, 3rd Floor Lexington, MA 02421
The distributed, multicore train
is stopping for no programmer, and especially the systems programmer will need
to be ready to hop on to the distributed parallel programming paradigm to keep
their systems running as efficiently as possible on the latest hardware
environments. There are three new
systems programming languages that have appeared in the last few years which
are attempting to provide a safe, productive, and efficient parallel programming
capability. Go is a new language from Google, Rust is a new language from Mozilla Research, and ParaSail is a new language from
AdaCore. This talk will describe the
challenges these languages are trying to address, and the various similar and
differing choices that have been made to solve these challenges.
Keywords multicore, distributed, parallel
programming, systems programming language, Go language, Rust language, ParaSail
1. Introduction
The distributed, multicore train is stopping for no
programmer, and especially the systems programmer will need to be ready to hop
on to the distributed parallel programming paradigm to keep their systems
running as efficiently as possible on the latest hardware environments. There are three new systems programming
languages that have appeared in the last few years which are attempting to
provide a safe, productive, and efficient parallel programming capability. Go
is a new language from Google [1], Rust
is a new language from Mozilla [2], and ParaSail
is a new language from AdaCore [3][4].
The designers of Go,
Rust, and ParaSail all are facing a common challenge -- how to help
programmers address the new distributed and multicore architectures, without
having the complexity of programming going past that which is manageable by the
professional, yet still human, programmer.
All programming languages evolve, and as a rule, they tend to get more
complex, not less so. If every time a
new hardware architecture becomes important, the programming language is
enhanced to provide better support for that architecture, the language can
become totally unwieldy, even for the best programmers. When the architectures changes radically, as
with the new massively distributed and/or multicore/manycore architectures, this
may mean that the language no longer hangs together at all, and instead has
become a federation of sublanguages, much like a house that has been added onto
repeatedly with a different style for each addition.
Because of the complexity curse associated with language
evolution, when there is a significant shift in the hardware landscape, there
is a strong temptation to start over in programming language design. After many years of a relatively stable
programming language world, we now see a new burst of activity on the language
design front, inspired in large part by the sense that our existing mainstream
languages are either not going to be supportive enough, or that they are
becoming simply too complex in trying to support both the old and new hardware
paradigms through a series of language extensions.
2. Go from Google
Go, Rust, and ParaSail all emerged over the past few years, each with its own
approach to managing complexity while supporting parallelism. Go
from Google is the brain child of Rob Pike and his colleagues at Google. Rob was at Bell Labs in the early Unix and C
days, and in many ways Go inherits the C tradition of simplicity and power.
Unlike C, storage management has been taken over by the Go run-time through a
general purpose garbage collection approach, but like C, care is still needed
in other areas to ensure overall program safety.
From the multicore perspective, Go uses goroutines for
structuring large computations into a set of smaller potentially parallel
computations. Goroutines are easy to
create – essentially any stand-alone call on a function or a method can be
turned into a goroutine by simply prefixing it with the word “go.” Once a
goroutine is spawned, it executes independently of the rest of the code. A goroutine is allowed to outlive the
function that spawns it, thanks to the support of the garbage collector; local
variables of the spawning function will live as long as necessary if they are
visible to the spawned goroutine.
For goroutines to be useful, they need to
communicate their results back to the spawning routine. This is generally done using strongly-typed channels in Go. A channel can be passed as a parameter as
part of spawning a goroutine, and then as the goroutine performs its
computation it can send one or more
results into the channel. Meanwhile, at
some appropriate point after spawning the goroutine, the spawner can attempt to
receive one or more values from the
channel. A channel can be unbuffered,
providing a synchronous communication between sender and receiver, or it can
provide a buffer of a specified size,
effectively creating a message queue.
Communication between goroutines can also go
directly through shared global variables.
However, some sort of synchronization through channels or explicit locks
is required to ensure that the shared variables are updated and read in an
appropriate sequence.
Here is an example Go program that counts the number
of words in a string, presuming they are separated by one or more separator characters, dividing
multi-character strings in half and passing them off to goroutines for recursive word counts:
func Word_Count
(s string; separators string) int = {
const slen = len(s)
switch slen {
case 0: return 0 // Empty string
case 1:
// single-char string
if strings.ContainsRune
(separators, S[0]) {
return 0 // A single separator
} else {
return 1 // A single non-separator
default: // divide string and recurse
const half_len = slen/2
// Create two chans and two goroutines
var left_sum = make(chan int)
var right_sum = make(chan int)
go func(){left_sum <- span="" word_count="">->
(s[0..half_len], separators)}()
go func() {right_sum <- span="" word_count="">->
// Read partial sums
// and adjust total if word was
if strings.ContainsRune
(separators, s[half_len-1]) ||
(separators, s[half_len]) {
// No adjustment needed
return <-left_sum right_sum="" span="">-left_sum>
} else {// Minus 1 because word
return <-left_sum -="" 1="" right_sum="" span="">-left_sum>
2.1 Unique Features of Go
Go has some unusual features. Whether a declaration is exported is determined by whether or not its name begins with an
upper-case letter (as defined by Unicode); if the declaration is a package-level
declaration or is the declaration of a field or a method, then if the name
starts with an upper-case letter, the declaration is visible outside the
current package.
Every Go source file begins
with a specification of the package
it is defining (possibly only in part). One
source file may import declarations
from another by specifying the path to the file that contains the declarations,
but within the importing code the exported declarations of the imported code
are referenced using the imported file’s package
name, which need not match that of the imported file’s filename. Of course projects would typically establish
standard naming conventions which would align source file names and package
names somehow.
Go provides a reflection
capability, which is used, for example, to convert an object of an arbitrary
type into a human-readable representation.
The “%v” format in Go’s version
of printf does this, allowing
arbitrarily complex structs to be written out with something as simple as:
Printf is implemented in Go
itself, using the “reflect” package.
There are no uninitialized
variables in Go. If a variable is not
explicitly initialized when declared, it is initialized by default to the zero of its type, where each type has an
appropriately-defined zero, typically
either the zero numeric value or the nil
(aka “null”) pointer value, or some composite object with all components having
their appropriate zero value.
2.2 What Go Leaves Out
Because complexity was a
major concern during all three of these language designs, some of the most
important design decisions were about what to leave out of the language. Here we
mention some of the features that Go does not
Go does not permit direct cyclic
dependencies between packages. However,
the Go interface capability permits
the construction of recursive control or
data structures that cross packages, because an interface declared in one
package can be implemented by a type declared in another package without either
package being directly dependent on the other.
Like C, Go has no generic
template facility. There are some builtin
type constructors, such as array, map, and chan,
which are effectively parameterized type constructors, but there is no way for
the user to create their own such type constructor. Unlike C, there is no macro facility which
might be used to create something like a parameterized type. Nevertheless, Go’s flexible interface and reflection capabilities allow the creation of complex data
structures that depend only on the presence of a user-provided method such as Hash and the DeepEqual
function of the reflect package.
Go does not allow
user-defined operators. Various
operators are built in for the built-in types, such as int and float32. Interestingly enough, Go does include
built-in complex types (complex64 and complex128) with appropriate operators.
Go does not have
exceptions. However, functions and
methods may return multiple results, and
often errors are represented by having a second return value called error that is non-nil on error. Unlike in C, you cannot ignore such an extra
parameter; unless you explicitly assign it to an object of name “_”. When things go really wrong in Go, a run-time
panic ensues, and presumably during
development, you are tossed into a debugger.
3. Rust from Mozilla Research
The modern web browser represents one of the most
complex and critical pieces of software of the internet era. The browser is also a place where performance
is critical, and there are many opportunities for using parallelism as a web
page is “rendered.” The Rust language arose originally as a
personal project by one of the engineers at Mozilla Research (Graydon Hoare), and
has grown now into a Mozilla-sponsored research effort. Rust has been designed to help address the
complexity of building components of a modern browser-centric software
infrastructure, in the context of the new distributed multicore hardware
Like Go, Rust has chosen to
simplify storage management by building garbage collection into the
language. Unlike Go, Rust has chosen to
restrict garbage collection to per-task heaps, and adopt a unique ownership policy
for data that can be exchanged between tasks.
What this means is that data that can be shared between tasks is visible
to only one of them at a time, and only through a single pointer at a time
(hence an owning pointer). This eliminates the possibility of data races
between tasks, and eliminates the need for a garbage collector for this global
data exchange heap. When an owning
pointer is discarded, the storage designated by the pointer may be immediately
reclaimed – so no garbage accumulates in the global exchange heap.
Here is a Rust version of the
Word Count program, recursing on multi-character strings with subtasks
encapsulated as futures computing the
subtotals of each string slice:
fn Word_Count
(S :
&str; Separators : &str) -> uint {
let Len =
match Len
0 => return 0; // Empty string
1 =>
return // one-char string
Separators.contains(S[0]) { 0 }
{ 1 }; // 0 or 1 words
=> // Divide and recurse
Half_Len = Len/2;
Left_Sum = future::spawn {
(0, Half_Len-1), Separators)};
Right_Sum = future::spawn {
(Half_Len, Len-1), Separators)};
// Adjust sum if a word is divided
Separators.contains(S[Half_Len]) ||
Separators.contains(S[Half_Len+1]) {
No adjustment needed
+ Right_Sum.get();
} else {
Subtract one because word divided
Left_Sum.get()+Right_Sum.get() – 1;
Rust does not have special syntax
for spawning a “task” (Rust’s equivalent of a “goroutine”) nor declaring the
equivalent of a “channel,” but instead relies on its generic template facility and a run-time library of threading and synchronization
capabilities. In the above example, we
illustrate the use of futures which
are essentially a combination of a task and an unbuffered channel used to
capture the result of a computation.
There are several other mechanisms for spawning and coordinating tasks,
but they all depend on the basic tasking model, as mentioned above, where each
task has its own garbage-collected heap for task-local computation (manipulated
by what Rust calls managed pointers),
plus access via owning pointers to
data that can be shared between tasks (by sending an owning pointer in a
3.1 Rust Memory Management Performance
One of the major advantages
of the Rust approach to memory
management is that garbage collection is local to a single task. By contrast, in Go each garbage collector thread has to operate on data that is potentially
visible to all goroutines, requiring
a garbage collection algorithm that synchronizes properly with all of the
active goroutines, as well as with any other concurrent garbage collector
threads (presuming garbage collection itself needs to take advantage of
parallel processing to keep up with multithreaded garbage generation).
In Rust, a conventional single-threaded garbage collector algorithm
is adequate, because any given garbage collector is working on a single
per-task heap. Furthermore, storage
visible via owning pointers needs no garbage collection at all, as releasing an
owning pointer means that the associated storage can also be released
3.2 The Costs of Safety and
One of the downsides of added safety and performance
can be added complexity. As we see, Rust
has added safety by allowing access to sharable data only via pointers that
give exclusive access to one task at a time, and added performance because
garbage collection is single-threaded.
However, as a result, Rust needs several kinds of pointers. In fact, there are four kinds of pointers in
Rust, managed pointers (identified by
‘@’as a prefix on a type) for per-task garbage-collected storage, owning pointers (identified by ‘~’) for
data that is sharable between tasks, borrowed
pointers (identified by ‘&’) that can temporarily refer to either per-task
or sharable data, and raw pointers
(identified by ‘*’), analogous to typical C pointers, with no guarantees of
4. ParaSail
from AdaCore
The ParaSail language from AdaCore takes support for parallelism one
step further than Go or Rust, by treating all
expression evaluation in the language as implicitly
parallel, while also embracing full type and data-race safety. Rather than adding complexity to accomplish
this, the explicit goal for ParaSail was to achieve safety and pervasive
parallelism by simplifying the language,
eliminating impediments to parallelism by eliminating many of the features that
make safe, implicit parallelism harder.
4.1 What ParaSail Leaves Out
Some of the features left out of ParaSail include the following:
No pointers
No global variables
No run-time exception handling
No explicit threads, no explicit locking nor
No explicit heap, no garbage collection needed
No parameter aliasing
So what is left? ParaSail provides a familiar
class-and-interface-based object-oriented programming model, with mutable
objects and assignment statements. But
ParaSail also supports a highly functional style of programming, aided by the
lack of global variables, where the only variable data visible to a function is
via parameters explicitly specified as var
parameters. This means that the
side-effects of a function are fully captured by its parameter profile, which
together with the lack of parameter aliasing allows the compiler to verify
easily whether two computations can safely be performed in parallel.
By design, every expression
in ParaSail can be evaluated in parallel.
If two parts of the same expression might conflict, the expression is
not a legal ParaSail expression. The net
effect is that the compiler can choose where and when to insert parallelism
strictly based on what makes the most sense from a performance point of view. Here, for example, is the Word Count example
in ParaSail, where parallelism is implicit in the recursive calls on Word Count,
without any explicit action by the programmer:
(S : Univ_String;
Separators :
Countable_Set :=
[' '])
-> Univ_Integer is
case |S| of
[0] => return 0 // Empty string
[1] =>
if S[1] in Separators then
return 0 // No words
return 1 // One word
end if
[..] => // Divide and recurse
const Half_Len := |S|/2
const Sum := Word_Count
(S[1 .. Half_Len], Separators) +
(S[Half_Len <.. |S|], Separators)
if S[Half_Len] in Separators or else
S[Half_Len+1] in Separators then
return Sum // No adjustment needed
return Sum-1 // Adjust sum
end if
end case
end func Word_Count
Although there is no explicit
use of a parallel construct, the sum of the two recursive calls on Word_Count
can be evaluated in parallel, with the compiler automatically creating a picothread for each recursive call,
waiting for their completion, and then summing the results, without the
programmer having to add explicit directives.
4.2 Implicit and Explicit Parallelism
in ParaSail
Explicit parallelism may be
specified if desired in ParaSail, or the programmer can simply rely on the
compiler to insert it where it makes the most sense. The general philosophy is that the semantics
are parallel by default, and the programmer needs to work a bit harder if they
want to force sequential semantics. For
example, statements in ParaSail can be separated as usual with “;” (which is implicit at the end of the line
when appropriate), or by “||” if the
programmer wants to request explicit parallelism, or by “then” if the programmer wants to disallow
implicit parallelism. By default the
compiler will evaluate two statements in parallel if there are no data
dependences between them.
As another example of
ParaSail’s implicit and explicit parallelism, the iterations of “for I in 1..10 loop” are by default executed
in any order, including parallel if there are no data dependences between the
loop iterations, while “for I in 1..10
forward loop” or “for I in 1..10
reverse loop” may be specified to prevent parallel evaluation, and “for I in 1..10 concurrent loop” may be used
to specify that parallel evaluation is desired, and it is an error if there are
any data dependences between the iterations.
In all these cases, the compiler will ensure that any parallel
evaluation is safe and data-race free, and will complain if there are potential
race conditions when parallel evaluation semantics are specified.
4.3 Simplicity breeds Simplicity in
There is somewhat of a virtuous cycle that occurs when a programming
language is simplified, in that one simplification can lead to another. By eliminating pointers and a global heap
from ParaSail, the language can provide fully automatic storage management
without the need for a garbage collector.
Objects in ParaSail have value
semantics meaning that assignment copies the value of the right-hand side
into the left-hand side, with no sharing of data. A built-in move operation is provided for moving the value of the right-hand
side into the left-hand side, along with a swap
for swapping values, thereby reducing the cost of copying while still
preserving value semantics.
Every type in ParaSail has an
extra value, called null, which is
used to represent an empty or otherwise uninitialized value. An object or component may have a null value of its type T only if it is
declared to be “optional T”. Optional components may be used to implement
trees and linked lists, without the use of explicit pointers, and without the
potential sharing issues associated with pointers, even if behind the scenes
the compiler uses pointers to implement optional objects or components. The availability of optional components
effectively allows an object to grow
and shrink, meaning that dynamic
structures like hash tables, and higher level notions such as maps and sets,
can be implemented in ParaSail without any explicit pointers, with the
advantages of purely value semantics.
The lack of explicit pointers
means that all objects in ParaSail effectively live on the stack, even though they may still grow and shrink. Each scope has its own region, effectively a local heap that expands and contracts to hold
the objects associated with the scope.
No garbage collector is needed because when an object goes out of scope,
or an object or one of its component is set back to null, the associated storage may be immediately reclaimed, much
like storage designated by owning
pointers in Rust. By simplifying the
type model, the storage management in ParaSail is dramatically simpler and of
higher performance, with no complex parallel garbage collection algorithm
5. Implementation
Status and Conclusions
The programming language
design world has been rejuvenated by the new challenges of distributed and
multicore architectures. Three new
programming languages designed for building industrial-strength systems have
emerged, Go, Rust, and ParaSail. Each of these languages tries to make
parallel programming simpler and safer, while still providing the level of
power and performance needed for the most critical systems development
From an implementation status
point of view, Go is the most stable of these three new languages, with two compilers
available, and a number of systems built with Go now being deployed. Rust and ParaSail are still under
development, but both are available for trial use, with Rust having early on
achieved the compiler boot strap milestone,
where the Rust compiler is itself implemented in Rust. All three languages provide opportunities for
the professional programmer to expand their horizons, and see what sort of new
paradigms and idioms will become more important as we leave behind the era of
simple sequential processing, and enter the era of massively parallel, widely
distributed computing.
[2] The
Rust Programming Language, Mozilla Research, http://www.rust-lang.org
[3] ParaSail:
Less is More with Multicore, S. Tucker Taft, http://www.embedded.com/design/other/4375616/ParaSail--Less-is-more-with-multicore
(retrieved 4/1/2013).
[4] Designing
ParaSail: A New Programming Language, S. Tucker Taft, http://parasail-programming-language.blogspot.com
Where are the download links for ParaSail? Where is the source code hosted? Is there a mailing list? These critical resources should be clearly indicated near the top of ParaSail's official website.
ReplyDeleteThe ParaSail google group has information about the latest release:
If you become a member of the Google group or you follow this blog you will get notified of the next release.
This sounds very exciting.. But looking at these things in more detail, it seems like you'll need an insanely smart compiler to prove all conditions at compile time, avoid excessive copying during program run time, and inefficient allocations of "picothreads" (i.e. green threads?) to os threads. Are you certain such a compiler is realistic? It does sound a bit too good to be true, since the restrictions you are placing on the language don't seem to be that severe.
ReplyDeleteWasn't the conclusion of all the research that was put into functional languages that while we can extract large amounts of concurrency from such a restrictive language, with "parallely evaluatable" expressions, extracting a "useful" amount of parallelism out of it is still a hard problem? Why won't parasail suffer from the same issue?
In the presentation you gave to the Mozilla people you briefly touched on free lists and heap fragementation by mentioning that it's not a serious issue for parasail. Are you certain about this? Or is parasail not intended for writing programs that run as long-running server processes? Also, more generally, do programmers get to choose between stack and heap themselves, or will this be determined by escape analysis? Does it perhaps have something similar to Go’s (golang) segmented stacks? And related to this, how does parasail handle out of memory errors (for both heap and stack)?
What I haven't found much on so far is what the module system and compiler tool chain will look like. Natively compiled code usually has issues with optimizing the code across compilation units, i.e. modules (in contrast to languages that compile to a VM, which can then optimize across module boundaries during JITing later on). How will Parasail handle this? Related to that is also the question of (hot) code (re-)loading. Go (golang) has sacrificed dynamic libraries and code loading in order to simplify the compiler design and allow for the aforementioned cross-module optimizations, which however makes it kind of useless for writing general-purpose servers in. Where does parasail stand here?
Seeing as there currently is only a VM for all of this, when do you think that we can expect the first release of a compiler that produces actual machine code (that can be used for benchmarks)?
Finally, since you touched a bit on the topic of syntax during the Mozilla presentation, given that this is a new language, why did you choose to promote that underscore naming convention from the old C days, instead of the more easily readable camel case one, that is predominant in the more recent of the widely used languages today? Also, what are the implications of “parallely evaluatable expressions by default” for short circuit evaluation in conditionals? The lack of short circuit evaluation in Ada was a big turnoff for me (since I’d do the non-null, non-out-ouf-bounds, etc. check in one part of the condition, and the object access in the other..).
Thanks for your fantastic work so far - even if parasail doesn’t turn out to be successful, there’s a lot here for future languages to learn, I believe. Sadly it doesn’t seem to be back portable to existing ones though.
I'll try to answer some of your questions. You should also download the current prototype and give it a try, as it answers many of your questions. The current implementation is a compiler that generates instructions for the virtual machine. The virtual machine was designed to support ahead-of-time compilation, though JIT is also imaginable, and we do intend to create a translator from the ParaSail virtual machine instructions to machine code, likely going through LLVM or by generating relatively low-level source code for an existing compilable language, such as C or Ada.
DeleteParaSail supports a safe divide-and-conquer style of parallel programming while still supporting mutable objects. In our early experiments we have had no problem in generating plenty of parallelism, enough to keep dozens of cores busy.
ParaSail is designed for long-running programs, and the automatic memory reclamation is very effective for that, as it doesn't need an asynchronous garbage collector, but instead memory can be reclaimed immediately when it is no longer in use. This is thanks to the pointer-free expandable object data structuring primitives and the region-based storage management.
As far as naming conventions, I am personally unconvinced that the camelCase approach is better than underscores, particularly when there seem to be many different ideas about whether the FirstInitial should or should not be capitalized, sometimes depending on whether it is a class or a Method, and when ALL_CAPS should be used, etc.
The ParaSail compiler doesn't really care. It is case sensitive, and all reserved words are in lower case, but other than that, anything goes. Of course the library sets a bit of a standard model, but you could pretty easily reformat the library to use a different standard model, so long as you are linking everything statically together. Of course once you go to dynamic linking with DLLs and such, then naming conventions become part of the binary DLL image, and some decisions would need to be made.
At the moment I am mostly interested in investigating the implications of pointer-free, race-free, implicitly parallel semantics, and I am finding this can be layered on top of various different language "bases," with a parallel version of Python ("Parython") perhaps the one that is furthest along. These issues are independent of what naming convention happens to be adopted for a particular language. So I *do* think these ideas are "back portable" to various existing languages, and we will be reporting on additional efforts along those lines over the next year or so (stay tuned!).
Here is the Go program with some syntax issues fixed and enough boiler plate added to make it a complete program:
ReplyDeleteimport "fmt"
import "strings"
func Word_Count(
s string, separators string) int {
slen := len(s)
switch slen {
case 0: return 0 // Empty string
case 1:
if strings.ContainsRune(separators, rune(s[0])) {
return 0 // A single separator
} else {
return 1 // A single non-separator
default: // Multi-character string; divide and conquer
half_len := slen/2
var left_sum = make(chan int) // create a channel for left half
var right_sum = make(chan int) // create a channel for right half
go func() {left_sum <- Word_Count(s[0:half_len], separators)}()
go func() {right_sum <- Word_Count(s[half_len:slen], separators)}()
if strings.ContainsRune(separators, rune(s[half_len-1])) ||
strings.ContainsRune(separators, rune(s[half_len])) {
// At least one separator at border
return <-left_sum + <-right_sum // read from channels
} else { // Combine words at border
return <-left_sum + <-right_sum - 1 // read from channels
return 0
func main() {
var arg string = "this is a test"
fmt.Printf("Word_Count(\"%s\") = %d\n",
arg, Word_Count(arg, ", "))
Oops, the "package main" at the first line got lost somehow.
DeleteWhy isn't there an official website for parasail like any other language has? blogspot? google groups? This really makes me feel like this is a home project. Any respected language has one where you can go and see the language specifications and link to tutorials and presentations etc.
ReplyDeleteGood question. We have the domain names (parasail-pl.org, parasail-lang.org, etc.) but haven't yet had the time to create the web site. Perhaps your prompting will get us organized to do so!
DeleteThe "official" ParaSail web site is now available:
Not a lot there yet, but it is hopefully a good starting point for reaching other ParaSail resources.
Which version of the Rust compiler did you use for the sample program you posted? I am having some issues getting it to compile :)
ReplyDeleteSorry, there were some typos (some my doing, some inherited from the Rust documentation). The following should work better:
Deletefn Word_Count
(S : &str, Separators : &str) -> uint {
let Len = S.len();
match Len {
0 => return 0, // Empty string
1 => return // one-char string
if Separators.contains(S[0]) { 0 }
else { 1 }, // 0 or 1 words
_ => { // Divide and recurse
let Half_Len = Len/2;
let Left_Sum = future::spawn (
|| Word_Count(S.slice
(0, Half_Len-1), Separators));
let Right_Sum = future::spawn (
|| Word_Count(S.slice
(Half_Len, Len-1), Separators));
// Adjust sum if a word is divided
if Separators.contains(S[Half_Len]) ||
Separators.contains(S[Half_Len+1]) {
// No adjustment needed
Left_Sum.get() + Right_Sum.get();
} else {
// Subtract one because word divided
Left_Sum.get()+Right_Sum.get() - 1;
Still getting compile time errors :) I am using Rust 0.6:
Deleteerror: value has non-owned type `&str`
|| Word_Count(S.slice
error: value has non-owned type `&str`
(0, Half_Len-1), Separators));
Could you please document here what execution time you obtained on your computer ?
ReplyDeleteMore, Google returns nothing relevant for "parasail+benchmark".
Before investigating further, I am waiting for this and for a precision about license of Parasail (https://forge.open-do.org/plugins/moinmoin/parasail/FrontPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=parasail_ref_manual.pdf states: "Copyright (C) 2011-2013, AdaCore, New York NY, USA
To be used only for Personal, Academic, or Evaluation Purposes;
Not for Commercial Production Use.; http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1hkqoq/parasail_is_a_new_parallel_programming_language/ talks about GPL)