Thursday, December 12, 2024

ParaSail now on GitHub

Thanks to my colleague Olivier Henley, the full sources of ParaSail (and more) are now on GitHub:

There is a discussion forum there for asking questions about the implementation:

Below is the "readme" file from this GitHub repository:

The ParaSail Programming Language

This is the main source code repository for ParaSail. It contains the compiler, the interpreter, the standard library, and documentation.

Note: this README is for users rather than contributors. If you wish to contribute to the compiler, you should read the Getting Started section of the parasail-dev-guide instead. You can ask for help at Gitter.

import Clock;

interface Dining_Philosophers<Num_Phils : Univ_Integer := 5; Context<>> is

    func Dinner_Party (Length_Of_Party : Clock::Interval_Type; Context);

    type Philosopher_Index is new Integer<1..Num_Phils>;
    type Left_Or_Right is Enum<[#is_left_fork, #is_right_fork]>;

    concurrent interface Fork<> is  
        func Pick_Up_Fork(queued var F : Fork; Which_Fork : Left_Or_Right);
        func Put_Down_Fork(locked var F : Fork);
        func Create(Index : Philosopher_Index) -> Fork;
    end interface Fork;

    type Fork_Array is Array<Fork, Indexed_By => Philosopher_Index>;
end interface Dining_Philosophers;

class Dining_Philosophers<Num_Phils : Univ_Integer := 5; Context<>> is


    func Dinner_Party(Length_Of_Party : Clock::Interval_Type; Context) is
        Delay(Context.Clock.Wall_Clock, Length_Of_Party);
        Display(Context.IO.Standard_Output, "Dinner Party is over\n");
        var Forks : Fork_Array := [for I in 1..Num_Phils => Create(I)];
        for Phil in Philosopher_Index concurrent loop
            const Left_Fork := Phil;
            const Right_Fork := Phil mod Num_Phils + 1;
            while True loop
                Display(Context.IO.Standard_Output, "Philosopher " | Phil | " is thinking\n");
                Delay(Clock, Next(Context.Random));  // Think
                Pick_Up_Fork(Forks[Left_Fork], #is_left_fork);
                Pick_Up_Fork(Forks[Right_Fork], #is_right_fork);
                Display(Context.IO.Standard_Output, "Philosopher " | Phil | " is eating\n");
                Delay(Clock, Next(Context.Random));  // Eat
            end loop;
        end loop;
    end func Dinner_Party;
    concurrent class Fork<> is
        var Is_Available : Boolean;

        func Create(Index : Philosopher_Index) -> Fork is
            return (Is_Available => True);
        end func Create;
        func Pick_Up_Fork (queued var F : Fork; Which_Fork : Left_Or_Right) is 
          queued until F.Is_Available then
            F.Is_Available := False;
        end func Pick_Up_Fork;       
        func Put_Down_Fork(locked var F : Fork) is
            F.Is_Available := True;
        end func Put_Down_Fork;
    end class Fork;

end class Dining_Philosophers;

Quick Start

Getting Help

The ParaSail community congregates in a few places:

  • Stack Overflow - Direct questions about using the language.
  • Gitter - General discussion and broader questions.


If you are interested in contributing to the ParaSail project, please take a look at the Getting Started section of the parasail-dev-guide.


ParaSail is primarily distributed under the terms of the ParaSail Copyright, the ParaSail Copyright 2 and the ParaSail Copyright Lib.

See ParaSail Copyright, ParaSail Copyright 2, and ParaSail Copyright Lib for details.

Friday, July 10, 2020

A new blog on the Design and Engineering of Programming Languages

I am happy to announce a new blog about the Design and Engineering of Programming Languages.  Only two entries so far.  Here is the first:

The intent is ultimately to create a book-length series of writings on the topic.  Of course, we know where good intentions can lead!  In any case, we hope these blog entries will at least make some interesting reading, even if together they never quite reach book length.

My day job went down to 60% as of July 1st, 2020, so my plan is to find more time to work on ParaSail, its various siblings such as Parython and Javallel, this new blog/book, and a new language on the drawing board, "ParaDISO" (Parallel Distributed, Incremental, Streamable Objects), for distributed/cloud computing.   So now you know what is my definition of fun...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Release 8.4 of ParaSail Interpreter, Compiler, and Debugger

We are happy to announce a new release of ParaSail.  This new release incorporates an enhanced interactive debugger that is automatically invoked when the interpreter encounters an assertion, precondition, or postcondition that fails at run-time.  In addition, the sources for run-time library code that is potentially linked into compiled ParaSail programs now carries a license which allows such compiled programs to be distributed as the user sees fit.

In any case, here is the new release [link updated -- was incorrect]:

It is a "zip" archive of sources and binaries for Mac, Linux, and Windows.  Mac and Linux include executable binaries for a bootstrapped LLVM-generating ParaSail compiler.  Windows only contains the executable binaries for the ParaSail interpreter.

The web page for ParaSail is still:

From a documentation point of view, the most exciting news is that we have recently published a full description of the ParaSail language in the new academic "Programming Journal":

Please take a look at this article to see a comprehensive description of ParaSail, and how it fits into the world of programming language design.

Here is the latest reference manual (which is also linked from the ParaSail web page, and included in the "zip" archive for release 8.4):


Sunday, February 10, 2019

ParaSail Published in Programming Journal Vol. 3, Issue 3

We very recently had a long paper on ParaSail published in the relatively new Journal of the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (  This is an interesting journal, which is trying to rejuvenate the writing of Computer Science journal articles, rather than having essentially all interesting research showing up as Computer Science conference papers.  Conference papers often tend to be incremental, being a report on recent progress in CS research activities, but not necessarily having the space or time to provide an archival-level quality and depth that might be possible in a journal article.  In any case, here is the abstract for the ParaSail paper:

and from there you can click through to the full PDF (the journal is all open access).  Many thanks to the editors and reviewers for their guidance in bringing this paper up to journalistic standards.

In fact, the journal has kind of flipped things around.  If a paper is accepted for publication in the journal in a given year, they invite the author(s) to present the paper at their annual conference, which this year is in Genoa, Italy, the first week in April:

So come on down to Genoa in April if you are in the neighborhood.  The presentation on ParaSail will be on Thursday, April 4th.

String interpolation comes to ParaSail 8.0

ParaSail supports generic functions where the type of the parameter is determined at the point of call.  The most common use of this capability is with the string concatenation operator "|":

  interface PSL::Core::Univ_String<> is
    op "|"(Left, Right : optional Univ_String) -> Univ_String
      is import(#concat_string)

     op "|"(Left : optional Univ_String;
           Right : optional Right_Type is Imageable<>)
      -> Univ_String

    op "|"(Left : optional Left_Type is Imageable<>;
           Right : optional Univ_String)
      -> Univ_String

  end interface PSL::Core::Univ_String

The first "|" provides the builtin string concatenation.  The other two are generic functions defined in terms of this builtin concatenation, as follows:

  class PSL::Core::Univ_String is
    op "|"(Left : optional Univ_String;
           Right : optional Right_Type is Imageable<>)
      -> Univ_String is
        if Right is null then
            return Left | "null"
            return Left | Right_Type::To_String(Right)
        end if
    end op "|"

    op "|"(Left : optional Left_Type is Imageable<>;
           Right : optional Univ_String)
      -> Univ_String is
        if Left is null then
            return "null" | Right
            return Left_Type::To_String(Left) | Right
        end if
    end op "|"

  end class PSL::Core::Univ_String


What the above means is that when you write:

    "X = " | X

this will be allowed so long as "X" is of a type that satisfies the "Imageable" interface, which is defined as follows:

 abstract interface PSL::Core::Imageable<> is
    func To_String(Val : Imageable) -> Univ_String<>

    optional func From_String(Str : Univ_String<>) -> optional Imageable

    // NOTE: We include Hashable<> operations here
    //       so that Set works nicely.
    //       Clearly if something is Imageable it is possible
    //       to implement "=?" and Hash using the string image,
    //       so we might as well requires these operations too.

    op "=?"(Left, Right : Imageable) -> Ordering
    func Hash(Val : Imageable) -> Univ_Integer
 end interface PSL::Core::Imageable

The availability of the To_String operation is the critical aspect of Imageable that we use for the "|" operator.  We expand "X = " | X into:

   "X = " | To_String(X)

and so long as X's type has an appropriate To_String operation, everything works smoothly.  What this means is that you almost never have to write a call on To_String explicitly, by just alternating between string literals and expressions that you want to print, you can write things like:

 Println ("X = " | X | ", Y = " |  Y | ", X + Y = " | X + Y | "!");

which is clearly less verbose than:

 Println ("X = " | To_String(X) | ", Y = " |  To_String(Y) | ", X + Y = " | To_String(X + Y) | "!");

Nevertheless, even in the more concise version, all of those alternating quotes and '|' characters can become hard for the human to parse, and it is easy to forget one of the needed characters.  So what to do?


A (growing) number of languages support the ability to "interpolate" the values of variables, or in some cases expressions, directly into string literals.  This has been true for simple variables since the beginning for languages like the Unix/GNU-Linux shell:

    echo "X = $X, Y = $Y"

Interpolating the value of more complex expressions is sometimes supported, but generally requires some additional syntax.  

Very early on, most variants of the LISP language supported the ability to construct list structures explicitly, using the "quote" operation, along with an ability to insert a LISP expression (aka "S-expression") in the middle that was to be evaluated and substituted into the list structure that was being defined.  E.g.:

     (define celebrate (lambda (name) (quote (Happy Birthday to (unquote (capitalize name))))))

and then "(celebrate (quote sam))" evaluates to "(Happy Birthday to Sam)".

As a short-hand, in most versions of LISP:

   (quote (a b c))

becomes something like:

    '(a b c)

and (unquote blah) becomes, depending on the version of LISP, something like:


So the above definition of "celebrate" using these short-hands becomes:

   (define celebrate (lambda (name) '(Happy Birthday to ,(capitalize name))))

with (celebrate 'sam) becoming (Happy Birthday to Sam)


Ok, so how does this relate to ParaSail?  So the explicit use of the "|" operator and having to end a string literal, insert the expressions between | ... |, and then restart the string literal gets old.  Given that there aren't an infinite number of ParaSail programs already in existence, and the fact that the back-quote character is almost never used, we decided to hi-jack the meaning of back-quote when it appears in the middle of a string literal to reduce all the back and forth needed when using an explicit "|" operator.  Hence, we now allow:

   Println("X = `(X), Y = `(Y),  X + Y = `(X + Y)!");

In other words, you can "interpolate" the value of an arbitrary (Imageable) expression into the middle of a ParaSail string literal by using `().  This is actually recognized during lexical analysis, and a mechanical expansion is performed by the lexical analyzer, of a back-quote character (unless preceded by '\') into the two characters:  " |

The lexical analyzer then expects a left parenthesis to be the next character, and counts matching parentheses, and when it reaches the matching right parenthesis, it emits the two characters: | "

The net effect is that "X = `(X), ..." becomes:

      "X = " | (X) | ", ..."

Note that the parentheses are preserved, to avoid issues with precedence between the "|" operator and operators that might occur within the parentheses.  Also note that the parenthesized expression can be separated from the back-quote by white space, and the expression can also span multiple lines if necessary.  The lexer is smart enough to use a stack, so that the parenthesized expression can also have nested string literals, that themselves use interpolation.

If you have looked at past source releases of the ParaSail LLVM-based compiler (which is itself written in Parasail -- see lib/compiler.psl), you might want to take a look at the version of lib/compiler.psl in the 8.0 release.   It makes heavy use of string interpolation, and hopefully is easier to read because of that.



Saturday, February 9, 2019

Release 8.0 of ParaSail Interpreter, Compiler, and Debugger

Finally, at long last a new release of ParaSail.  This new release incorporates an interactive debugger that is automatically invoked when the interpreter encounters an assertion, precondition, or postcondition that fails at run-time.  This is also the first release where pre- and postconditions are fully analyzed, and checked at run-time.  Finally, this has one modest enhancement to the ParaSail syntax -- "interpolation" of the value of an expression directly into a string literal.  For example:

   Println("The value of X + Y is `(X + Y).");

The back-quote character followed by a parenthesized expression may now appear within a string literal, and the value of the expression is "interpolated" into the middle of the string, in place of the back-quoted expression.  Hence, presume X is 31 and Y is 11, the above will print:

   The value of X + Y is 42.

In any case, here is the new release:

It is a "zip" archive of sources and binaries for Mac, Linux, and Windows.  Mac and Linux include executable binaries for a bootstrapped LLVM-generating ParaSail compiler.  Windows only contains the executable binaries for the ParaSail interpreter.

The web page for ParaSail has also been updated:

From a documentation point of view, the most exciting news is that we have just published a full description of the ParaSail language in the new academic "Programming Journal":

Please take a look at this article to see a comprehensive description of ParaSail, and how it fits into the world of programming language design.

Here is the latest reference manual (which is also linked from the ParaSail web page, and included in the "zip" archive for release 8.0):

We will be posting some follow-up blog entries about some of the new features in this release, in particular the debugger, and the implementation of postconditions that require automatically saving some values only available on entry to an operation.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Release 7.0 of ParaSail interpreter, VM, and compiler -- sources plus linux/mac binaries

We have just made a release of the ParaSail interpreter, VM, llvm-based compiler, and ParaScope static analysis tool (aka "static catcher of programming errors").  This is version 7.0.  It includes a nearly complete re-write of the llvm-based compiler.  After attempting other approaches, we finally went back to the ParaSail front end and had it annotate every PSVM instruction with a set of virtual register numbers in addition to a stack offset for local variables.  This allows the backend to generate much better LLVM (and eventually will also simplify the job of doing more advanced static analysis).  The compiler also automatically inlines small routines, including routines from the ParaSail standard library, so function call overhead in the presence of layers of abstraction can be much reduced.

This release is the first in a while to include binaries, though it only includes binaries for Mac and Linux (Windows is being difficult ... ;-{).  The release is at:

If you have any problems, please report them on the ParaSail google group:!forum/parasail-programming-language